When to Hire a Full-Time Designer

The aim of every company is to grow. But, with growth come different needs in all sectors, and design is no different. If the arrangement with a freelance subcontractor isn't enough, it's time to hire a full-time designer.

The aim of every company is to grow. But, with growth come different needs in all sectors, and design is no different. If the arrangement with a freelance subcontractor isn’t enough, it’s time to hire a full-time designer.

How to Know That the Time Has Come

Like every change, the need for hiring a graphic design professional on a full-time basis will gradually show itself. Perhaps the current design doesn’t work its magic the way it used to. If the number of visits and time spent on the website of your company is falling despite changes, it may be time to move on. After all, the company’s brand has to develop.

In this regard, maybe, it is best to deem whether your business has stopped being just another startup and became something more. The consistency that a full-time employee may bring is just what you need.


Money Is Important Factor, Too

Another important factor in opting for switching from freelancers to full-time designers is money. Many startups will naturally go with freelance services since they are generally cheaper. Also, there’s no need to deny that approach to work is often more relaxed in the beginning. However, as things become more serious, the requirements of the business will grow. And since seriousness usually comes with more significant money, it is the moment when companies can afford to splash more cash on a graphic design professional. When people at the top no longer have to choose whether to spend money on developers, advertisers, or designers, it’s time. 


Benefits of Full-Time Designer


Having an in-house designer on board brings many benefits to your business. The first and most important benefit is continuity. With a full-time employee, you assure that one person, or a team, has long-term access to the plans and strategies of the company, and can act accordingly. Outsourcing design projects can be affordable, and sometimes very useful, but the trouble is that there is a constant change of freelancers. They mostly stay on board for one project, and then they move on. 

On the other hand, a designer who works for you is always there. That means he has a voice in all decisions regarding design throughout the campaign or many of them. Thus, he can better grasp the finesse of the company’s message and adjust the work accordingly. Also, communication with your own employee will certainly have much better flow than with someone with whom you’re on e-mail correspondence or at best video call. With it comes a matter of time. An in-house designer is always there, while the freelancer may be away from the computer or phone.

It helps in the vital sector of SEO, too. Improving optimization means constant work on minuscule details, which should always be a domain of full-time creative workers. 


Benefits of Freelancers


Having freelance subcontractors has many good sides, too. Freelancers are more affordable since you don’t pay them a monthly salary and benefits. Freelance designers are also flexible and easy to find. That means you can quickly fill an unexpected gap or get someone with a specific skill-set to do a particular work.

They also constantly learn and acquire new sets of skills, and tend to more closely follow the trends in design and software. After all, their dough depends on it, so you won’t find yourself in a situation where the quality suffers due to lower costs.

Do you need a freelance graphic or web designer for your next project? Drop me a message here.

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