Social Media and Graphic Design

In the immortal words of Andy Warhol, everybody has 15 minutes of fame. Unfortunately, that's not exactly true for those advertising on social networks. They're lucky if they get 15 seconds to convince users to click on their ad. It is in those 15 seconds that social media and graphic design intersect, to the benefit of all parties.

In the immortal words of Andy Warhol, everybody has 15 minutes of fame. Unfortunately, that’s not exactly true for those advertising on social networks. They’re lucky if they get 15 seconds to convince users to click on their ad. It is in those 15 seconds that social media and graphic design intersect, to the benefit of all parties.

Attention Grab and First Impression


When on Facebook, Instagram, or any other such platform, people scroll fast. Even more important, they often aren’t focused. That means that the ad has a minimal time frame to make an impression on the user and catch his or her attention. How to do it? With graphic design, of course.

It is said that one picture speaks more than a thousand words, and we can agree. Also, it is even more true in the era of short tweets and that dreaded user comment “tl;dr” on mostly anything longer than that. So advertisers must turn to images.

An aptly crafted picture can grab the user’s attention quite effectively. It is more likely to get noticed than text, and a professional can make use of color in design to a maximum effect.

In this day and age, no marketing campaign on social media can hope to succeed without high-quality graphic design. Professionally made profile pictures or cover photos will do wonders for your advertising, and you may expect a surge in visits on your pages. 

Sending Message in an Instant


There is another massive advantage that excellent design can bring forth – almost instantaneous messaging. Instead of reading long blogs about the benefits of this or that, users can see a compelling and enticing picture. A colorful and well-thought-out infographic is a much better option than paragraphs of data. Also, a profile picture or logo with a short but catchy motto is much more likely to bring members of the target audience to your page(s).

Indeed, slogans are among the most potent weapons in marketing. All you have to do is phrase it in the right way, and then let the designer do his magic and incorporate it into the enticing image.

Design Boosts Brand Image


We all know the value of being recognizable. Countless studies (and not to mention common sense) show that people are more likely to click on something they are familiar with. Design can help there, as well, and turn your company into a brand.

What makes a company a brand? For starters, products. But there’s more to it than that. Company values are important, too. And the way they are communicated to the target audience. Visual content plays a significant part in that, with shapes, letters, and colors. A graphic designer on board can create such content and provide it with the necessary continuity and consistency of the message.

And, to top it all off, it doesn’t even have to be complicated. If you think about it, logos of all the most famous brands are remarkably simple. Iconic emblems of Nike, Coca-Cola, Ford Motor Company, Mercedes, and even Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, seem like something anyone could make. Maybe so, but there’s nary a person alive who wouldn’t know them in a heartbeat.

Make Sure That Content is Shareable


There is no active website today that doesn’t sport buttons for instant sharing page content on social media. And social media themselves have those buttons. 

All marketing campaigns aim to reach as many people as possible, and sharing is among the best ways for it. However, to achieve that goal, you must have content that users would want to share with their contacts. Again, good design, be it for infographic or logo, may prove itself to be the most critical factor in a user’s decision on sharing. 

Don’t Squander Opportunities

With the haste of online life, your ads may get only one chance to grab a user’s attention. Don’t let it go to waste. Graphic design is the most powerful ally in the quest for growth and delivering products and services to people.


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